Friday, May 8, 2009

5/8/09: First Time In A While

There was a point in my life in which I had a fascination with a thing called Aderol.

There was also a point in my life in which anything prescribed to someone other than me would never enter me.

That changed, along with many things about me and my life.

So here I am, at yet another point in my life.

At this point, I am visiting my friend Aderol for the first time in a long time. He was a good friend for a while,

but we lost touch. To be less elusive, I'll say I lost touch with my source. Haha.

What I used to feel when in Aderol's company:

-My skin felt like it could stretch a foot off my bones if i pulled it. And with no pain.
-I was extremely friendly. To everyone.
-I tended to think about things I felt sorry for from the past and bring them up with the people involved and apologize.
I somehow knew that I wouldn't apologize to them the next day if I didn't do it right then when I was thinking about it.
-Oral restlessness. A lot of grinding teeth and chewing on my tongue. Stimulants tend to do that.
-Very peaceful, laid back and happy.
-I payed attention to absolutely everything.
-Basically I got all of the good effects aderol is meant to give those with ADHD, paying attention and focusing, but with
physical effects to go with it. It's a beautiful thing.

And it's what I'm feeling right now.
Hello, Aderol.
It's been far too long.